About Us

Organisation Background

DROHA Uganda was founded in 2013 as a Community Based Organization (CBO)
And later in 2016 registered as company limited by guarantee leading to its operations as non government organisation( not for profit)
DROHA provides timely response to needy communities by creating an environment for
humanity and dignity through self-reliance and sustainability programmes.

To achieve the above objective,

DROHA Partners with other Humanitarian world services interlocutors for beneficiaries to succeed in living humanity and dignity lifestyle by meeting their challenges and closing the gaps.

the services include;

  • Self-reliance and livelihoods,
  • Gender equality advocacy,
  • Environmental conservation and protection,
  • Renewable energy solutions,
  • Education,
  • Sexual reproductive health,
  • Child protection,
  • Prevention of the risk of Sexual-Gender Based Violence (SGBV),
  • Public and community health,
  • Nutrition, Capacity building and career guidance,
  • WASH and
  • Prison outreach

DROHA has a team of professional and experienced personalities with accumulated
expertise so as to respond to community needs and emergencies. We apply modern
techniques of Monitoring and Evaluation, in tracking project outcomes using performance
indicators and the project beneficiaries using Performance Assessment Tool (PAT) and/ or
impact indicators.

Make a Donation

We Make a Difference in their Life

We help


Fashion and design Trainees

Meet The Directors

Help the people

You Can Help us to Change One Person's Life Through Donation

  • Food

  • Water

  • Medical

Financial Inclusion

Help People in Need

Become a Volunteer Now

Droha Uganda is a non-profit organization to support people worldwide and keep an eye in the future Support.


cathedral road, Bugembe


With enthusiastic employees and volunteers, we are ready to support you no matter any time.